Luxembourg City Underground
Pour immerger les visiteurs dans le monde des attractions souterraines de la ville de Luxembourg, le LCTO a développé une nouvelle identité visuelle sous le nom « Luxembourg City Underground ». Cette nouvelle marque permettra de promouvoir les Casemates de la Pétrusse tout comme les Casemates du Bock à travers une identité visuelle forte.
Les Casemates de la Pétrusse
Après des travaux de mise en conformité et de mise en valeur, les casemates sous la « Gëlle Fra » ont officiellement rouvert leurs portes le 2 juin 2022 en présence de SAR le Grand-Duc. Trois jours plus tard, elles accueillaient à nouveau le grand public qui est venu en grand nombre.
Des jeux de lumière et des effets sonores, conçus sur mesure en collaboration avec le scénographe allemand Tido Brussig, donnent vie aux rochers des casemates pour raconter leur histoire.
Grâce à cette scénographie audiovisuelle innovante, les Casemates de la Pétrusse brillent désormais d’un nouvel éclat. Sous le slogan « Rocks coming to Life – Explorez les Casemates de la Pétrusse comme jamais auparavant », une vaste campagne de communication a été mise en place afin d’attirer les regards sur une des principales attractions touristiques du pays.
Depuis leur réouverture, pas moins de 8504 visiteurs ont exploré les Casemates de la Pétrusse en participant à une des 657 explorations accompagnées. Qui plus est, la fréquentation a été très satisfaisante avec un taux d’occupation des places de 95%.
“Ah, what a beautiful experience. The place is full of history. Prepare yourself to dig into the undergrounds of the city and to get to know the old city fortifications. There are a lot of steps downward but the place is very well conserved and the guide is awesome. It’s worth the visit.”
– Kurt Bourscheid
“History gem in the city. Guided tour with friendly guide whom was very attention full to our question.”
– Charel Wagner
“This is one for the bucket list. The Casemates are well maintained and the guide is very informative. For all history lovers this is a must see. Great visit for families as well just be sure to book in advance.”
– Rok Smrekar
“Fascinating experience that basically takes together the entire history of Luxembourg with one building.”
– Janco
“Ah, what a beautiful experience. The place is full of history. Prepare yourself to dig into the undergrounds of the city and to get to know the old city fortifications. There are a lot of steps downward but the place is very well conserved and the guide is awesome. It’s worth the visit.”
– Kurt Bourscheid
“History gem in the city. Guided tour with friendly guide whom was very attention full to our question.”
– Charel Wagner
“This is one for the bucket list. The Casemates are well maintained and the guide is very informative. For all history lovers this is a must see. Great visit for families as well just be sure to book in advance.”
– Rok Smrekar
“Fascinating experience that basically takes together the entire history of Luxembourg with one building.”
– Janco
“Ah, what a beautiful experience. The place is full of history. Prepare yourself to dig into the undergrounds of the city and to get to know the old city fortifications. There are a lot of steps downward but the place is very well conserved and the guide is awesome. It’s worth the visit.”
– Kurt Bourscheid
“History gem in the city. Guided tour with friendly guide whom was very attention full to our question.”
– Charel Wagner
“This is one for the bucket list. The Casemates are well maintained and the guide is very informative. For all history lovers this is a must see. Great visit for families as well just be sure to book in advance.”
– Rok Smrekar
“Fascinating experience that basically takes together the entire history of Luxembourg with one building.”
– Janco